Paid Advertising
The Cash 💵 Shower

Or so do many small businesses think, or being told...
While Paid Advertising can certainly be like installing an unlimited ATM Machine in your basement.
There are some very important points that No Other Agency is telling you....


There are LOADS of agencies out there, promising to make you RICH with Paid ads

And make no mistake, paid advertising can be SUUPER powerful

But here is the biggest secret that no other agency will tell you:

Are You Ready??

Paid advertising, is just an amplification tool

Read that again 🎤

What do we mean?

Well Look, we have to be a bit brital here....
We Love you, ❤️
Just Take the sting because we will explain...

If you have a 💩 business, advertising is simply going to amplify the 💩ttyness....

If you have a 💩 website, paid advertising is just going to show that to more 👀 eyes

If your business is just about the same as every other competitor, your just showing that to more 👀 eyes...

Wer're guessing that you get the point.

We can tell that if you have gotten this far that you will be successful.
Facing the truth is hard.
But the truth will set you free!

So where to from here?

Well, dare we say it is quite simple. not easy, but Simple.

  • If You Dont Know The Answer
    To These Critical Points
    Then You Should Be VERY careful

What You Need First

  • What Makes Your Business

    Here is the thing, MOST Small businesses are not fully aware of their own industry

    We are not talking about the technicalities of what you do, this you should know…

    We are talking about knowing exactly what the customers want, and what they need

    What are the customers worried about? What keeps them up at night?
    What can your business do to help customers be who they want to be?

    Knowing this is Super Important to succeed.

  • Knowing Your Competitors
    And how to improve

    Yes, this is about how your competitors are outsmarting you.

    How they are doing things differently and how you can lean on that to improve.

    BUT, this is a very small part of knowing your competitors…

    We are talking about taking step 1, knowing what your customers want and need, and what they are worried about,
    And matching that up to being better at serving this need than your competitors.

    Well, That is where expert tools come in. Yes that is right, we have the ability to find out exactly what questions customers are asking specific to your industry.

  • Demonstrating How Your Better
    And Showing It

    Once you know what your customers deepest desires are, and know how you can serve that better

    Then it is all about talking in the right way on your website, social, and everywhere what your customers are hanging out

    Want a big secret? While having a website that looks good, it won’t be as effective as a website that speaks the right way

    Put what visitors are looking for in front of them, and they will click it. Show them how your business can not just solve their problem, but fill their Desire and they will buy… Its that simple! (Kind-of)

    Ok, its not that simple, but that is what we are here for, we put all this together for you.

  • Amplify a winning formula
    Growing Your Wallet

    Now Here is the thing, once you have all these things in place (yes and many other things),
    Then you are ready to amplify your winning formula.

    All the success comes from solving a problem but, rapid growth comes from filling a desire as well

    Many small businesses just focus on what they do as a business, with very little view into what drives the customers instead.


Very Good Question!

Let us explain...

You show us a 'marketing agency' that would tell you this and we will show you a unicorn on a nimbus... 🦄


Becuase 90% of marketing agencies are in business to keep customers just long enough so that they will make money.

They dont care 2 flying 🦆 ducks about you or your business...

Dont Believe Us?

Fair Enough, lets take a look at that.

You might have experience in this, and if not, go ahead and call some places and you will see what we mean.

Paid Advertising Agencies promising you the world, but that approves to run ads to 💩 websites

Paid Advertising Agencies talking about 'time to optimize the ads' (this is their tag-line for 'we need to suck some more money out of you before you leave')

Supposed 'mega-large agencies' guaranteing SEO results in 90 days, then use dodgy unsustainable tactics that take you further down past zero when you fire them.

Web Designers that build websites that are about as useful as a ladder to a carpet layer, hand over the keys and run away. Never knowing if it actually brings your more customers.

The list goes on and on, with the world filled with shady agencies.

Promising you the world, only to rob you of your hard earned money and running away.

If you are thinking to work with any agency, be it us or someone else, we would be happy to schedule a zoom and disclose all their dodgy tactics.

Before you get sucked in and not only loose money, but time that you will never get back.

Ready to take
your success

Here's the thing. There is money on the table right now. Stop stressing over the things you should do that won't help you take the money off the table and into your pocket. Stop allowing your competition to take the money off the table right in front of you.

It is time to get some of that money for yourself and your family.

Lets have a chat about how we can help you take your business to the next level.